X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Data Analysis using a Neural Network

PhD n°10


EU mobility rules apply. In principle, applicants can have any nationality and any current residence (although immigration rules apply, favoring
EU applicants). Candidates who have already been awarded a PhD degree are not eligible. In addition, candidates who have already spent more than 12 months in the Austria within the last 3 years are not eligible (unless as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention).


We plan to develop an algorithm based on a neural network to improve data analysis of X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy data for chemical surface analysis. The neural network will be used to improve data quality and do element and compound classification. For the element and compound classification we plan to use SESSA (Simulation of Electron Spectra for Surface Analysis) to generate artificial XPS data for training the neural network. The +30.000 experimental XPS at NIST as well as new data taken TUW, PSI, and SCIENTA will be used for test purposes.

The specific objectives are:

  • Installing and developing a neural network for spectral data analysis.
  • Installing a software interface to SESSA and generating >100.000 test data.
  • Training of the neural network.
  • Testing of neural network with experimental data from NIST, TUW, PSI, and SCIENTA.

Expected Results:

  • Neural network suitable for XPS data evaluation.
  • Generating proper training data and testing of the accuracy of the neural network.
  • Software package for elemental and compound classification using the neural network.

Planned secondment(s): 9 months

  • Intersectoral:
    • SCIENTA: M9-11, gain insight in ARPES and STM experiments and corresponding software
  • Academic:
    • UU, Heike Herper. 20-22 Apply neural network software to analysis of Ce-based materials
    • PSI, Matthias Muntwiler. M16-18 Hands-on experience of photoemission at a synchrotron. Influence of photoelectron diffraction on the shape of XPS spectra

Enrolment in Doctoral degree(s):

TU Wien


Wolfgang Werner

Download the full description of this position (pdf)

PhD n°: PhD n°10
Country: Austria
This job is no longer accepting applications.