EUSpecLab doctoral network

The main objective of the EUSpecLab doctoral network is to form the next generation of theoretical materials scientists (physicists and chemists). They will be able, both in academic and industrial laboratories, to spearhead the calculation, the understanding and the prediction of the properties of matter by exploiting the full potential of cutting-edge spectroscopies and materials informatics. We aim at bridging gaps between industrial processes, technological progress, and theoretical understanding, especially at the quantum (microscopic) level. The Researchers will learn specific skills in both inter-sectoral and inter-disciplinary translation.

Next generation of theoretical materials scientists

Cutting-edge spectroscopies and materials informatics

Inter-sectoral and inter-disciplinary translation

Scientific objectives

The scientific objectives of EUSpecLab are twofold:

  1. to apply machine learning techniques to spectroscopy (so far, they have mainly been applied to structure determination)
  2. to develop new theoretical methods, incorporating strong correlation (current calculations are often mean field or non-interacting), system complexity and environmental effects (current calculations are mostly for pristine systems at 0 K).

Both aspects go significantly beyond the current state of the art, and will offer the Researchers important opportunities to think, develop, and innovate.

About the PhD projects

Apply to our PhD projects

We currently have no job openings


Articles, publications and other communication material

EUSpeclab Events

Seminars, conferences, talks and other events organised by the EUSpecLab

This event is currently being organized. Stay tuned for regular updates!

Next school around coding and programming at the Ruhr University Bochum : 16-20 September 2024

Discover the exciting world of all that surrounds coding and programming at the next school, from 16 to 20 September...
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That event is over. We invite you to consult this archive to learn more about this event.

EUSpecLab advanced spectroscopy at PSI: 15-19 April 2024

Welcome to the EUSpecLab Advanced Spectroscopy School in PSI (Switzerland)! From 15 to 19 April 2024, immerse yourself in an...
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That event is over. We invite you to consult this archive to learn more about this event.

Workshop on Spectroscopy and Machine Learning at Les Houches School of Physics

The workshop "Blending the DFT-based multiple scattering Greens’ function approach to spectroscopies with machine learning" will take place at the...
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That event is over. We invite you to consult this archive to learn more about this event.

Soft skills workshop

Destination Prague! During a five-day soft-skills training, students will go through a complex tailor-made programme focused on developing their individual...
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That event is over. We invite you to consult this archive to learn more about this event.

Two-weeks school on spectroscopy in San Benedetto del Tronto (Italy) has its website

The EUSpecLab Introductory Training School (ITS) on spectroscopies will be held on 19-30 June 2023 in San Benedetto del Tronto...
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That event is over. We invite you to consult this archive to learn more about this event.

Introductory two-week school on spectroscopy

This first school will take place in Roma (19 June) and San Benedetto del Tronto (20-30 June) between 19 and...
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That event is over. We invite you to consult this archive to learn more about this event.

First Supervisory Board – 16 May 2023

For the first time, thesis supervisors and industrial partners will meet to discuss the future of the network.The first Supervisory...
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That event is over. We invite you to consult this archive to learn more about this event.

Kick-Off Meeting, 12th Sept. 2022

The kick-off meeting of the EUSpecLab project will be held in Rennes (France) on September the 12th, 2022. Members of...
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